
The search agent for developers

Finding your next deal is extremely time consuming. It’s one of the most important parts of your job but one that most developers leave to chance and a handful of personal contacts. Huntercombe is a more scientific approach for making sure that you hear about as many, if not all, development opportunities on and off the market.

We are a new team with a wide and diverse background in property who believe that going forward there will be huge opportunities in distressed sales of property created by the pandemic.


Your in house search team


We are signed up to every big agency, small agency, web site, planning department, portal, receiver, runner, magazine, new technology and land registry search. We will also be advertising for agents to get in touch prior to going to the market with opportunities. 

It is essential that we fully understand our clients’ developments criteria. To do this we need to have a detailed discussion, ideally face-to-face, where we can thoroughly explore our clients’ aspirations, circumstances and objectives - including a review of any existing development portfolios. Initially, we ask you to fill out a small questionnaire so we understand exactly the sort of thing you want us to contact you with. 


Annual retainer

We will sign an agreement and there will be a retainer of circa £1000 per annum in the future which is being waived for the time being as we start to grow. We will then start sending you relevant deals as and when we find them. We do ask you rate each deal we send you which will take less than 20 seconds.  


Our fees

If you buy what we send you then we will charge 1% of the purchase price up to £5,000,000 plus 0.5% of anything over £5,000,000 We will not help you negotiate as that’s what you are hopefully good at unless you would like us to!